Green onyx stone price

Green onyx stone price It is very different in international markets. You may ask why? Or what is the price difference? Why should the price of this stone be different in different countries of the world?

green onyx stone price

Green onyx stone price

green onyx stone price

It can be safely claimed that green onyx is one of the most beautiful types of building stones in the market world. This stone is produced in different countries for use in buildings.
Of course, this stone is also available in the market as an ornament, which we will not explain about this type of stone in this article. Rather, we intend to explain the types of construction of green onyx stones.
Iran is one of the largest production centers of green onyx stones for construction in the world. Iran has various mines of green onyx stones. It should be noted that in Iran, various cities are extracting green onyx stones.
Cities like Mashhad and Kerman have the most important mines of green onyx stones. These beautiful stones have many uses, which we have already explained in detail about these uses in previous articles. Please read our previous articles and send them to your friends and colleagues.

Sale of green onyx stone

green onyx stone price

You may also be one of the buyers and importers of all kinds of green onyx stones. But before that, this stone has many buyers in all countries of the world.
Some of these buyers travel to Iran and invest in the mines of these stones. In fact, they buy the mines of these stones and send all the blocks of these stones to their countries.
Green onyx traders are well aware of Iran’s benefits. They know very well that production costs in Iran are much lower than in other countries.
In addition, Iran is the bridge between the East and the West of the world and using open waters, they quickly transport stones to their countries.
A large part of these traders are Asian and after producing these stones in their country, they export their stone products to all countries of the world.

Export of onyx stone

green onyx stone price

Iran is one of the largest producers and exporters of green onyx stones in the Middle East. The Marvelous stone company is one of the top producers and exporters of all kinds of onyx, travertine, granite, and marble stones in Iran.
This company has 7 agencies in different cities of Iran, 40 factories, and 50 mines directly cooperating. Also, most of our products are being exported to different countries around the world.
Many of our customers are among the biggest traders and importers of all kinds of building stones, especially onyx stones.

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